Great did a wonderful job of articulating why I stopped following Haque after initially enjoying his articles. It's also why I wish they'd give a larger platform to other epidemiologists besides Dr. Fauci. He's become the Chicken Little of COVID-19. No matter how silver the lining, he'll remind you about all the huge, horrible clouds on the horizon that will undoubtedly result in you, your children, and definitely your parents and grandparents dying miserable deaths on ventilators in over-crowded, understaffed, cesspools of hospitals. Enough already! There are respected epidemiologists all over the world who disagree with Fauci on a number of things, but he has been granted god-like status because his doom-and-gloom perspective reinforces the dominant narrative. This out-of-control "confirmation bias" is at the heart of the Internet, where anyone who disagrees with you is immediately unfriended or blocked, so that you never have to leave your echo chamber.